Analysis of the company structure using graph theory

degree (y- axis) ≙ number of connections

nodes (x - axis) ≙ position in the company

edges ≙ link between positions

  • The histogram illustrates the frequency distribution of node degrees in the network.

  • Most nodes have a degree of 1, signifying that they are end nodes or leaves in the network, connected to the network through a single connection.

  • A smaller number of nodes have higher degrees, indicating central nodes with multiple connections.

-> This distribution suggests a hierarchical or star-like structure where a few central nodes are key connectors (top-, mid- and low-level managers), and many nodes have limited connectivity (employees), likely indicating a top-down communication flow.

  • The network graph shows nodes (likely employees or departments) and edges (connections or relationships).

  • top - level manager are highlighted in red (Node 1, 4, 29 and 36) and have numerous connections, while peripheral nodes are in blue with fewer connections.

  • Node 36 and Node 4 are highly connected, serving as critical hubs within the network.

  • Surprisingly Node 29 (top-level management) only has the eighth highest degree, which means that the quantitative responsibility seams not to be equally distributed

-> Central nodes 36 and 4 are critical for communication, decision-making, and coordination. That risks a high dependency on these nodes, that could lead to bottlenecks or vulnerabilities if these nodes become overwhelmed or fail


  • Ensure central nodes are well-resourced and supported to manage their connections effectively.

  • Implement backup systems or additional support to mitigate risks associated with high dependency.

-> Potential of isolation and reliance of the majority of the network (employees and small teams) on central nodes for information and guidelines


  • Enhance communication channels to ensure peripheral nodes remain informed and engaged.

  • Maintain direct connections between peripheral nodes and intermediate nodes to reduce dependency on central nodes.

-> Balancing the workload and ensuring efficient operations for mid- and low - level managers that act as bridge between top- level managers and employees/small teams


  • Strengthen the mid- and low - level managers by providing training and resources to enhance their effectiveness

  • Encourage collaboration among the mid- and low - level managers to share the workload and improve overall network resilience

Main goal: achieve a more balanced network to prevent over-reliance on top - level management and ensure robust operations


  • Redistribute connections where feasible to create a more even spread of responsibilities.

  • Introduce additional mid - level managers to alleviate pressure on top - level management.

  • Promote a culture of collaboration and decentralized decision-making to empower everyone in the network.

The company structure, as revealed by the visualizations and data, is predominantly hierarchical with a few central nodes playing a critical role in maintaining connectivity and operations. By focusing on strengthening these central nodes, enhancing communication channels, and achieving a more balanced network, the company can improve efficiency, reduce vulnerabilities, and foster a more resilient organizational structure.

Implementing these recommendations can help ensure that both central and peripheral nodes are well-supported, leading to a more effective and robust company network.

By categorizing managers into top, mid, and low levels, the organization can tailor its support and development programs to meet the specific needs of each group. This structured approach ensures that all managerial levels are well-equipped to fulfill their roles, leading to a more efficient and cohesive organization.

Implementing these strategies will help in balancing the workload, enhancing communication, and fostering a collaborative environment, ultimately contributing to the overall success and resilience of the company.

Top-Level Management

  • Role: Strategic decision-making, overall leadership, and coordination.

  • Recommendation: Provide strong support systems to ensure they can effectively manage their broad responsibilities and numerous connections.

Mid-Level Management

  • Role: Implementing strategies, managing teams, and facilitating communication between top and low levels.

  • Recommendation: Strengthen their leadership skills and provide resources to help them bridge the gap between top management and operational staff.

Low-Level Management

  • Role: Direct supervision of employees, ensuring day-to-day operations run smoothly.

  • Recommendation: Offer training and development opportunities to enhance their managerial capabilities and improve team performance.